Welcome to FTG Media, LLC


We at FTG Media, with over 25 years of combined experience in media, entertainment and technology, partner with scaling organizations to identify their key organizational objectives and advise them on a financial strategy and operational infrastructure to achieve them.

Each business has unique needs and we tailor the following offerings based on what fits best for each partner.

  • Organizational audits

    • You have traction as a business, but want a fresh set of experienced eyes to look at your business’s vision, financial model, market opportunity and challenges so that leadership can be aligned on the path ahead.

  • Fundraising & scaling strategy

    • It’s time to take your business to the next level. You want someone with tons of fundraising and financial expertise to walk you through positioning your business/product to secure the scaling capital you need as well as help you plan for once you get it.

  • Infrastructure design

    • You’ve built a business on sheer tenacity, grit and ingenuity. Now that you have momentum, it’s time to design your daily operations so responsibilities are properly distributed and processes are allowed to streamline workflows and increase efficiency, putting the structure in place for the growth to come.

  • Implementation and On-Going Support

    • The takeaways from our work together are fantastic, but you would like a continued presence in your organization to help implement our recommendations and maintain them for the foreseeable future. We love the opportunity to extend our partnerships and we customize on-going engagements to fit our partner’s needs. This is a win-win as we are able to be more hands on in your scaling and you get FTG’s expertise without the exposure or commitment of hiring in house.